9095 Highway 11 North,
Cumberland Beach ON, Canada
(10 km north of Orillia, Northbound Lane
At Highview Avenue)
📱 Phone: 705-689-8812
📠Fax: 705-689-2341
✉ Email: admin@sunshinekitchens.ca
9095 Highway 11 North,
Cumberland Beach ON, Canada
📱 Phone: 705-689-8812
📠Fax: 705-689-2341
✉ Email: admin@sunshinekitchens.ca
Appointments Welcome
Monday to Friday • 8:30 to 5:00
Saturday • By Appointment
Evenings after 5:00 by appointment
Closed on long weekends
Sunshine Kitchens
Box 8, Cumberland Beach
Ontario, L0K 1G0